If you’re writing a GWT application you are most likely following the MVP pattern. With GWT 2.1 the Activities and Places API was introduced and while it’s not strictly an MVP framework, it’s a good base for the architecture of your application.

A core component of Activities and Places is the ActivityMapper interface. Its role is simple - you get a Place and based on it an appropriate Activity should be returned. There’s one problem - you most likely will want to choose the Activity based on the type of the provided Place. The usual approach (mentioned even in the official documentation) is a long chain of if (place instanceof CustomPlace) else if (place instanceof CustomPlace2)… etc. You might have a similar if/else chain somewhere else in your application where you want to react to a PlaceChangedEvent. If you add a new Place, you have to remember to add (another…) if else in all those places.

public class AppActivityMapper implements ActivityMapper {
    public Activity getActivity(Place place) {
        activity = null;
        if (place instanceof StartPlace) {
            return new StartActivity();
        } else if (place instanceof SearchPlace) {
            return new SearchActivity();
        } else if (place instanceof CustomerPlace) {
            return new CustomerActivity();
        return null;

There’s gotta a be a better way!

And there is: the visitor pattern.

A way of separating an algorithm from an object structure on which it operates. A practical result of this separation is the ability to add new operations to existing object structures without modifying those structures.

Sounds exactly like something we need! If the details are unclear at this point, don’t worry. It’s best to see it in action and how it fits with our needs.

Let’s say we have three custom Places in our application: StartPlace, SearchPlace and CustomerPlace. They can be with parameters/tokens or not - it doesn’t matter.

Now, we’ll define the interface of our visitor. This visitor will be able to “visit” every place that “accepts” it and invoke some place-specific method.

public interface PlaceVisitor {
    void visitStartPlace(StartPlace place);
    void visitSearchPlace(SearchPlace place);
    void visitCustomerPlace(CustomerPlace place);

As you can see, we have a method for each of our custom places. Every method takes a place as a parameter and returns nothing. We could return an Activity but as we’ll see further on, it limits the usage of this interface and is actually against the visitor pattern.

Now, let’s add a new base class for all of our custom places. It could be an interface, but since we always have to extend the Place class, we might as well extend it and add our method:

public abstract class AppPlace extends Place {
    public abstract void accept(PlaceVisitor visitor);

We only need to add one method - one that “accepts” the visitor. We leave the implementation to the specific place - that’s the whole point. We can now modify our Place to extend our AppPlace instead of just Place:

public class StartPlace extends AppPlace {
    public void accept(PlaceVisitor visitor) {

public class SearchPlace extends AppPlace {
    public void accept(PlaceVisitor visitor) {

public class CustomerPlace extends AppPlace {
    public void accept(PlaceVisitor visitor) {

The pieces should start falling into place now - we can see above that it’s the place that decides to invoke a specific method on the visitor. This way, the visitor doesn’t know what place is accepting it, but the place can tell it: “Hey, you’re visiting a SearchPlace, act accordingly”.

We can now replace our long ActivityMapper implementation with a much simpler one:

public class AppActivityMapper implements ActivityMapper, PlaceVisitor {
    private Activity activity;

    public Activity getActivity(Place place) {
        activity = null;
        if (place instanceof AppPlace) {
            ((AppPlace) place).accept(this);
        return activity;

    public void visitStartPlace(StartPlace place) {
        activity = injector.getStartActivity();
    public void visitSearchPlace(SearchPlace place) {
        activity = injector.getSearchActivity();
    public void visitCustomerPlace(CustomerPlace place) {
        activity = injector.getCustomerActivity();

Now, whenever we add a new Place, we make it extend AppPlace, this makes us provide the implementation for the accept method which in turn causes us to add a new method to the PlaceVisitor interface. Now, say we have a PlaceChangedEvent’s handler somewhere we can re-use the PlaceVisitor:

public class RootPresenter ... implements PlaceVisitor {

    public RootPresenter(...) {
        eventBus.addHandler(PlaceChangeEvent.TYPE, new PlaceChangeEvent.Handler() {
            public void onPlaceChange(PlaceChangeEvent event) {
                Place place = event.getNewPlace();
                if (place instanceof AppPlace) {
                    ((AppPlace) place).accept(RootPresenter.this);
    public void visitStartPlace(StartPlace place) {
        // Or whatever else
    // etc...

Whenever we add a new Place we have to add a new method to the PlaceVisitor which in turn flags any class that implements it with an error - now it’s impossible to miss handling a new Place somewhere in your code.

One more point worth mentioning - in the last snippet you can see that making the visit* methods return an Activity directly wouldn’t be a good idea - while it would be useful in the ActivityManager’s implementation, it would be useless in RootPresenter.

I highly recommend reading the appropriate chapter from the great Design Patterns book from the Gang of Four. The visitor pattern is a very useful one and the chapter gives examples when it’s good to use and when a different approach is better.

Happy coding!